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Claims Management Services

No one understands better than Stein & Mann Advisory the challenges companies face when contemplating bankruptcy or the monumental challenges of mass tort liability or other significant large-scale claims exposure.

Stein & Mann Advisory's Claims Management Services group (CMS) calls upon its uniquely qualified team, industry-tested processes and proprietary, state-of-the-art technology to work with your company to develop and implement a highly efficient claims management and reconciliation process. This process is designed to obtain results while, at the same time, minimize the impact of such efforts on the company and its employees.

Our approach combines the expertise of highly trained professionals with the processes and technologies that allow us to deliver superior results, quickly and cost effectively. Our proprietary software provides real-time access to case information, detailed reporting options and advanced analytical tools to streamline the collection, processing and management of essential company information. Unique within its industry, CMS recognizes that informational challenges are distinct from case-to-case and has the capacity to provide highly-customized, client-specific data management platforms to address case-specific needs. We customize our services to fit your needs.

Claims Management Services differentiators:

  • Highly trained and educated staff, many of whom hold law degrees, with significant and relevant experience
  • Draw upon relevant experience to assist in the development of protocols for management of complex, high volume claims administration scenarios
  • Assist Company/Counsel in identifying objectionable claims/claim components based on pre-determined case criteria
  • Utilize industry-tested procedures and state-of-the-art technology to minimize professional time, leverage company resources and minimize cost
  • Assist with analysis and estimation of unliquidated claims
  • Estimate and model future claim estimates based on historical trends
  • Assist with the development of a claims distribution process
  • Able to report real-time data to an almost unlimited degree of sophistication, utilizing our malleable, dynamic reporting tool
  • Leverage technology to track progress, provide transparency, meet external reporting needs and drive workflow

Bankruptcy-Specific Claims Management Services

  • Assist with pre-filing activities, including generation of the "Top Creditor List," master mailing matrix and data extraction necessary for various exhibits for first day pleadings
  • Organize and analyze executory contracts for assumption / rejection
  • Assist with analysis and computation of 503(b)(9) claims
  • Coordinate creation of customized Proofs of Claim forms
  • Estimate and model claims for solicitation process for the Plan of Reorganization
  • Assist with creation of ballots and voting tabulation
  • Facilitate claims reconciliation, including matching claims to scheduled liabilities, evaluating claims and preparing exhibits to objections
  • Prepare monthly operating reports and assist with formulating plan for filing date book close
  • Analyze potential preferential transfers, including anticipatory value of defenses and assistance with avoidance actions, generally
  • Assist with claims distribution process